Dr. Léonard Goguen
3 min readJan 8, 2021


Visions beyond 2020

Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash

2020 has been a very challenging year for all of us. The added pressures of confinements, quarantines, travelling shut-downs, closings of business, working from home and school closings have transformed our workplace, family and community. For some of us, 2020 gave us time to work on new projects. In 2020, I have published 20 articles in Medium.

At the beginning of the New Year, it is a good time to share visions of the future and direct our activities to what is important. Have you made your plans yet?

My plans for 2021 is to publish at least one article a month and a book on happiness.

What about you? What are your visions beyond 2020? Some people share positive visions of the future and then work at it. Here are three books, in which authors shared the purpose of their life. These can help us develop meaningful visions beyond 2020.

1- Barrack Obama and A Promised Land

I recently read Barrack Obama’s 2020 book. Impressive and well documented, we can appreciate the author’s vision during his mandate as President of the United States. He was always looking throughout his many meetings with experts and associates for what was best for the Americans. He was working to deliver A Promised Land, the title of his book. The book is full of quotable lines like What an amazing gift to help people, not just yourself. This energizing book is a must to read.

Photo by History in HD on Unsplash


2- Viktor Frankl and Meaning

Viktor Frankl, a psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor in Auschwitz, has an iconic book called Man’s Search for Meaning. He shared, in his last writings Recollections, what was most meaningful for him. This was to help people find meaning in their life. Between stimulus and response there is a space. In this space is the power to choose our reactions. In our response, we may choose our attitude towards growth and freedom.

3- Martin Seligman and Authentic Happiness

Who is Martin Seligman? He is the father of Positive Psychology. In his book Authentic Happiness , he is helping us to find meaning in life. Happiness and well-being are the desired outcomes of Positive Psychology.

Having a meaningful and full life, according to Seligman, is experiencing positive emotions about the past and future, savouring positive feelings from the pleasures, deriving abundant gratification from your signature strengths, and using these strengths in the service of something larger to obtain meaning.

What is your vision beyond 2020? Just jot down a few keywords… from which you may plan a better future for everyone.

Photo by Harry Grout on Unsplash



Dr. Léonard Goguen

Psychologist and Professor Emeritus in Education from Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, Writing on Personal Growth, Resilience, Retirement, Travel and Happiness